Lady Ameris Collection LLC
Sea Moss Gel
Sea Moss Gel
Our sea moss gel is 100% organic, grown and harvested in the warm waters of St. Lucia. Sun dried to perfection. Not only is our sea moss gel highly effective but it’s delicious. We only use the best organic sea moss and fruits. No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.
What is Sea Moss?
• Sea Moss is a vegetable that grows in the ocean. It has been part of the human diet for
thousands of years.
• Sea Moss is extremely nutrient-dense, it's nature's multi-vitamin.
• It has 92 of the 102 minerals the body is made from.
• It contains beta-carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, and sulfur as well as minerals like
magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. All these contribute to healthy
cell functioning in the body.
The top Health Benefits of Sea Moss?
• Contains 92 Minerals
• Promotes a Healthy Thyroid
• Supports a Healthy Heart
• Promotes Good Digestion
• Supports a Healthy Immune System
• Improves Metabolism
• Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight
• Supports Hair, Skin and Nails
• Improves Emotional Health
How do you Consume Sea Moss Gel?
• Sea Moss can be consumed in foods or applied directly to the skin. Try using sea moss
gel in your:
Smoothies,Hot or Cold Beverages,To Replace a Thickening Agent in Cooking,As a Salad
Dressing,Dip for Fruit,Face Mask,Hair Mask
Dosage – How much sea moss gel to take daily?
• The recommended daily dose of sea moss is 1-2 tablespoons or 4-8 grams per day